There surely you remember that famous writing on the highway signs that read God exists. And I remember also that for a period of time on highways and nearby towns appeared the following inscription: If you want the thieves go to the town of Siano. existence of God are millennia that man wonders , just think of the many religions and sects born in the long history of man, the movement of atheism and agnostics Enlightenment, in short, an argument that since he was born a man has been the focus of his attention. As for the second written - "If you want thieves go to town Let's "- never has access no discussion, no one has posed the question about the veracity of the statement, but all (other than interest), resigned evidence they took the good , they never complained, instead have considered just a statement that did nothing but pictures of the reality. now it's been years and current at the time of writing has not lost anything, or even oday it seems that the political class has become more open-minded then nell'affondare hands in public money at the expense the community, just think to hoard money for public displays of pseudo Let Summer 2010 that enrich relatives, close friends and MOOLTO of directors and officers of the City of Siano.
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