Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Become An Underwear Model

" Dire Straits "Let a: deletion of the concert.

The concert pseudo Dire Straits Yesterday September 25, 2010 is skipped for non-ticket sales . An event advertised ill and in bad faith, impersonating Dire Straits of musicians have collaborated in various ways with the original band. But after the colossal flop Mayor content speaking on Telenuovo considered, exact words " and candidates are satisfied for future musical events" incredible but true, there is no limit idiocy.
To understand a little more I invite you to watch the video of the TGR Lazio to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho was to sing, definitely good musicians some component of the old band Dire Straits, but certainly not Dire Straits group disbanded in 1995 now. The video is a brief account of a recent concert, namely the stadium held August 31, 2010 San Marco di Monte San Giovanni Campano, a town with less than 13,000 inhabitants in the province of Frosinone, which failed to publicize the event and gather around the group around 3000 people. The City of Siano thought that the lack of mini posters and advertising have filled the space market are intended to hold the event. In addition to demonstrating the amateurs in politics, have also been shown to be amateurs in all areas, making believe that they had managed to bringing "Dire Straits" in Siano, while the band played in many small towns and with better results than those obtained from satisfied Mayor of Siano.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wording For Attendants

The political theater of low

Yesterday, the usual comizietto held by content from the studios of Telenuovo mayor, accompanied by vice mayor Leo was really a depressing spectacle . A reporter who asks the mayor the same little questions on lighting, on the opening of the school year on cemetery, has now become fact the usual encounter nothing but an empty space of ideas and content . The rite that has become does not even laugh or smile, it lights up a debate, does not stimulate any discussion, not address the problem is no absolute nothing. Then when you tried to talk of resignation Frasca councilor, the mayor responded with platitudes and banalities disarming begging the question, when you mentioned the bombings that have concerned are not even in recent times, we have witnessed answers to the Mayor's totally inappropriate, not a firm and strong position clear. The thing that most impressed from the human point of view was undoubtedly the attitude that it is politically incorrect staff against Councillor John D'Amore. When responding to a question from a journalist recently informed asking the candidates for mayor for the next election and related hilarity was a candidate for mayor last impromptu campaign that drew many people to the streets during his rallies , referring to the fact the board of Love , the Mayor made it clear that he had never attended those meetings, however, that forgetting the candidate for Mayor impromptu John D'Amore is much derided in his majority , was and is an important element that has allowed this administration to go ahead. today may not serve more for the next administration will have the Mayor thought it might be more a hindrance than a man can count on. Policy choices should be taken, however, respecting people, who want you can download but you can not humiliate anyone , yesterday John D'Amore has been humiliated by ill-informed journalist and the mayor and deputy mayor who did not have the courage to tell the journalist recently informed that Councillor D'Amore ago the majority.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Cut Chudidar Pyjama

He resigned the commissioner of the Mayor Massimo Frasca

The commissioner of public works Massimo Frasca has resigned for "missed targets" as stated in the letter of resignation as reported by the press. Finally someone who says black and white have failed in the task for which it was indicated. We would like to know what goals he had placed the commissioner together with its majority, perhaps now former majority and which of them (certainly the majority) were not met. After approval by the PUC on which so much the administration has aimed to revive itself after the addition of new forces, and the expulsion of other defections from the majority, these resignations have all the flavor of the total failure of the content. E 'certification policy, the administrator content just to survive itself, (picking up everything and more, from a populist pseudo communists declared by careerists who simply thought to his self-interest), has forgot to govern this country, intent as he was to meet the demands of having the party for so many came. not forget that March is near, the local elections are just around the corner, Anti Tenor - Riccio approaches and certainly the men who were with yesterday and today with content Riccio could go back, the policy is already low in stock, recruitment, and defections are on the order of things, the policy affects low still paying the price, will be the usual idiots that voters are slaughtered for a rich content or who shall continue to sgovernare this country for the next 5 years.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Addicted To Benzocane

are against the Camorra

During the City Council yesterday , who had the now famous heavy tax to the agenda of Gori on water bills on which no let us consider, also talked about the assassination of Mayor Vassallo Pollica killed by the mafia. The mayor content was meant to confirm that all those representatives of the institutions must take a hard line without being intimidated by the facts of crime, statements that called indirectly the situation is going to be a few years, following several arson attacks and bombings that men and things related entity have been common. A statement like that is now the Mayor of Siano, is the most desirable one might expect, finally the highest office in the town of content are the Mayor noted that the attacks arsonists that have recently concerned are not to be declassified crime or simple bullying, but that certainly can be placed in a more sophisticated criminal purpose, simply put in a project Camorra. The opposition in this case has missed an opportunity to make its voice against the Camorra, wanted to waste my breath arguing, when in fact there is no need to slope and utility to do so.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Can Mouthwashperoxyl Cause Upset Stomach

's municipal government taking in water on all sides

administration Tenor, ending with a flourish his troubled life administration. In the aftermath of the plebiscite vote already breaking cracks before they were born with the same list councilors facing opposition, lost a short distance of the pieces to leave without risking the much-loved chair (which are particularly attached to) our dear directors and their attachment poltronisatico had allowed the entry of the revolutionary on Sunday (a two of spades) to give a hand to support the seats and others at his little stool. Councillors and council majority leave or are expelled, but our dear mayor does not lose heart, embarks Obama in the local administration (the other two of spades) and after a mock election campaign antitenore adapts, extends to the prostate and content shift. But the numbers are still not enough and that is that even forzisti italioti enter into administration. The circle is closed, the content is safe administration, an administration varied from one hundred political colors but with a simple one common goal: to continue to use the joint scheme to use private law for small and large business. After doing their dirty business and in return increased taxes and cut services as the cafeteria and the school bus, now lasting memory of their wonderful work of other directors have left a heavy tax this time with accomplices Gori on water bills. We can not conclude that the administration is content that his administration is taking in water from all sides.