Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To Become An Underwear Model

" Dire Straits "Let a: deletion of the concert.

The concert pseudo Dire Straits Yesterday September 25, 2010 is skipped for non-ticket sales . An event advertised ill and in bad faith, impersonating Dire Straits of musicians have collaborated in various ways with the original band. But after the colossal flop Mayor content speaking on Telenuovo considered, exact words " and candidates are satisfied for future musical events" incredible but true, there is no limit idiocy.
To understand a little more I invite you to watch the video of the TGR Lazio to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho was to sing, definitely good musicians some component of the old band Dire Straits, but certainly not Dire Straits group disbanded in 1995 now. The video is a brief account of a recent concert, namely the stadium held August 31, 2010 San Marco di Monte San Giovanni Campano, a town with less than 13,000 inhabitants in the province of Frosinone, which failed to publicize the event and gather around the group around 3000 people. The City of Siano thought that the lack of mini posters and advertising have filled the space market are intended to hold the event. In addition to demonstrating the amateurs in politics, have also been shown to be amateurs in all areas, making believe that they had managed to bringing "Dire Straits" in Siano, while the band played in many small towns and with better results than those obtained from satisfied Mayor of Siano.


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