in these days of celebration, as I think most of you, I have not had time to devote to my hobby because I'm too busy to even play with my puppy who is on leave from kindergarten up to 10! (.. And work, because we have not closed the holidays :-( x
In recent days, before Christmas, I was running around with my sister in search of the latest gifts and I came across an item that caught my attention in particular. In this shop selling all the details and furnishings also unavailable. Among them was a subject where they had been positioned ceramic fairies, you know what? were attacked by their hook up this kind of table clothes .... and what is the strange thing?? Ran !!!!!!
I was obsessed with making me look at this deal that turned the kaleidoscope of these fairies. I remember my sister said, "that beautiful fairies, right?" and I now ruined by my passion I have said, look what a marvel that brings fairies! She obviously has not seen anything so attractive and when I told her what I was thinking ..... I said I need treatment!
So round and round I got this beautiful thing .... ta da!!
here it 's my new jewelry REVOLVING particular port. already runs very slowly and makes you (at least to me) to look stunned! A succession of jewels that give off their beauty before our eyes swaying
is now bare, will I just have the time he filled it with my creations and if you can make a video where you can see how it runs!
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