My Home
CASA Per me non è a "conceit" statico, I went in a qualcosa evoluzione, processing, you add, remove, move, change your perception of things and it changes the essence of what the end we rappresenta.Un little added touch to the mantel ...... changes are felt gradually without being whit only a natural progression!
For me, home is not a " concept " static , But something in continuous evolution, transformation , add, remove , move , change your perception of things and it changes the essence of what is there at the end . A little added touch on the floor of the fireplace ...... changes are felt to be no whit softly but only a natural progression !
For me , home not a "concept " static, but something evolving , transformation , add delete, move , changes your perception of things and it changes essence of what is there at the end . A petite and Ajoutée sur le sol de the cheminée ...... changements font hear if doucement .. seulement une progression naturelle !
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