Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bowling Shirts Charlie Sheen

Buds mignon

The spring is still quite far away and then summon them with tiny rosebuds!
From a magician of the minimal cross stitch Japanese designer Kazuko Aoki, tender and delicate embroidered Bocciolini 1a1, perfect for miniatures. But I ran out of buttons to be filled and therefore the satisfaction is in the middle ...:-((
Kazuko Aoki, j'adore the minimal chic style of the designer japponaise, les fleurs sont des miniatures a vrai plaisir a le broder et a le voir!

Kazuko Aoki , i'm fall in love for the lovely minimal subject that  she creates . Small charts inspired by that nature provides us every day under the eyes. A pleasure for me, embroider them and admire their!


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