are two Sundays in a row that the opposition took to the streets for groped to make public what they way of thinking is wrong. Billboards filled with charts, graphs, letters registered in joint letters to the prefect and newspaper articles. Unfortunately there are few who have realized, last Sunday there was a lot more people to sign at the table to collect signatures for the referendum in favor of water as a public good to read their posters miserable, miserable because small, little attractive not because of content that was certainly more interesting than the form in which it was submitted. This morning they changed the square after the last time Piazza Municipio, Piazza IV Novembre have chosen, perhaps because the occasion of Mother's Day because there were those who sold the azaleas in favor of cancer research have thought of attacking some board with some graphical have a minimum visibility. Unfortunately is depressing to see people in politics who lacks the ABCs of communication. But these guys really believe that consciousness can be mobilized through the squalid posters that will hopefully go unnoticed? Their disappointment came to this, their concern about the recent news events (car bombs and fire) will not appear in capital letters just like that but on tiptoe, silently, as if having opposition have the obligation to appear opponents, even though deep down their opposition is like hot butter, their voice against the Camorra is very very low, in fact there is not, their demands to the administration are in the peak feet, have no courage. Why not organize a nice rally in the square and you put your face and shout no to the Camorra, but if you have fear of putting his face giving you a board set up a stage in Piazza Municipio, where a big screen go on air interview of 'Gomorrah author Roberto Saviano, for one evening into the night's voice against the Camorra Roberto will be the best way to expose the danger in which we live, but will also be the weapon that we will have more to say with more courage and NO pride to the Camorra. Mobilize before it is too late.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Size For Cajun Microwave Oven
December 21, 2012; ecstasy or Apocalypse?
To measure time, the Mayans used three systems calculated by the observations of the cyclical recurrence of the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses, the zenithal passage of the sun, the position of the stars and moon phases. On this basis, developed a ritual calendar (Tzolkin) of 260 days, consisting of cycles of 20 days represented by glyphs 13 digits, and a Calendar Solar (Haab) of 365 days divided into 18 months of twenty days each, plus a short period of 5 days nefarious (uayeb), called "days suspended" or "lost." The combination of these calendars were carved with glyphs and numerical signs on a wheel calendar.
addition, the Maya used the so-called Income Long, probably invented by the Olmecs and Maya perfected by mathematicians. The basis of the number system was vigesimal with the help of zero. The figures below 20 were represented by dots to the number 5, which was instead designated with a slash, while 20 were represented by a glyph in the shape of a shell or stylized flower. However the numbers 0 to 20 were also represented by glyphs in the shape of faces, while 18 months and five days in excess of the annual cycle - each appointed with a proper name - were transcribed with stylized images of glyphs.
Long periods of account - covering 5125 years, that the whole cycle of history according to the Mayan point of view - they were always depicted by glyphs divided into Tun (the entire calendar year, but did not calculate the five-day suspension ), composed in turn eighteen uinal (the cycle of 20 days). 20 Tun was reached by adding up the unity of a Katun which, multiplied again by the winds, became a Baktun (400 years maya).
Mayan era was composed of 13 Baktun and epigraphists - transcribing glyphs with their weightings in Arabic numerals - were able to calculate that, according to the account along the Maya settled the beginning of their history on August 11 3114 BC and thought it would end on December 21 of 2012 of our era.
The prophecies we find in the most ancient astronomical calendars of ancient civilizations like the Olmecs, the Toltecs, the Mayans, and then get to those made by Universal Master Jesus Christ and following the apocryphal apocalypses and that of John. Following all the prophets have simply related the effects to the causes gradually generated by men.
The Maya inherited from the Olmecs, an ancient people who apparently came from the lost continent of Atlantis, that happened about 12,000 years ago, because of the falling of a celestial body which made him plunge into a day and a night, as well as tell ancient philosophers such as Solon, Plato etc ...
This calendar starts from 3114 BC and ending in 2012 AD. In essence, this calendar cycle is put into relationship with the tour of the galaxy where are we, the Milky Way. According to the Maya, each time the calendar ends cosmic era ends and another begins.
According to the Maya there were five eons each corresponding to Civilization. The previous four eras, water, air, fire and earth, all would end with the huge environmental upheavals. Some scholars argue that the first civilization that was destroyed by water, was Atlantis. In the Mayan people Vu, one reads:
"a flood was caused by the heart of Heaven ... a heavy resin fell from heaven ... the face of the earth grew dark, and black rain fell on it, night and day."
According to the Mayan spiritual man are the historical events related to the celestial movements, and this is very true because each individual universe is closely tied with the universe itself, only by relating the evolution human with the cosmic evolution can predict the future because everything is in the beginning of everything. If the principle is logical to know the cause originates below the effect of everything.
So if this is what awaits us and it is true what I have said so far, namely that the universe there is a fraternal cooperation, surely someone will take care of those men and women who have a clear vision of life as evolution and spiritual and material progress. For this has been said and written down "to them will not be removed even a hair," but to whom?
extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to implement the most largest evacuation in the history of mankind. Large ships have long been built for this eventuality. Men must prepare for ascension, the dimensional change, the new physical and spiritual vibration. But many prefer to believe in man in the field, in the property accumulated on the ground rather than in the divine plan that was our ride. But this should not be considered as the rescue of the elect, but a cosmic intervention help, a kind of galactic civil protection mold. But many
but unfortunately will have to go without the body, how many planets will be exiled to suit their degree of spirituality. After that the earth will re likely to harbor life, after several purification procedures implemented by the astral, the man will live on a new earth and under a new sky. The doors will open up the cosmos is now humanity will be part of the cosmic brotherhood.
2012 - The Mayan Prophecy - The End of the World according to the last page of the Dresden Codex.
One thing we must understand as to why the prophecy of the Mayan date of 2012 has exploded so dramatically in this period, the whole world.
The Maya were obsessed with time. The entire territory of the Maya, with its hundreds of cities of stone can be classified as a huge monument in close relationship to time. On the walls surrounding the fields for playing ball, the temples, lintels, wall sculptures and even the shells, jade on - used in great abundance - the Maya for a period spanning about 1000 years, they recorded their dates do not just arrived at the conclusion of the work, or they recorded some event to celebrate the past.
A scholar has even found an inscription that dates back to Maya ninety million years in the past.
But why the Maya had this obsessive concern at the time?
Why - this is the simple answer - the Mayans believed that time was cyclical. And that the same influence and the same consequences as a repetition in any given period in history.
It was Diego de Landa - the first and most comprehensive West to come into contact and further exploring the Mayan culture - to write in his diary: "Could they (the Maya) to calculate their ages beautifully, and so it was easy for a old man with whom I happened to talk, to remember a tradition that goes back three hundred years before. Anyone who has brought order to their calculation of the katun, was the devil, it did so with an accuracy never before equaled. "
A sort of compendium of this incredible interpretation of the time - the Mayans believed the world had suffered apocalyptic destroyed four times, and that when the curtain rose on the history of the Maya, they were living in the era following the fifth foundation of the world (the Indians told to Diego de Landa that the gods who governed the land was "when the world was destroyed by the flood ") - located in what is universally known as the Dresden Codex (photo on top).
The Dresden Codex is one of three surviving Mayan codices - by a miracle - to the fury of the English conquest, which we know he unfortunately scorched earth of the entire Mayan culture.
the Dresden Codex (aka Codex Dresdensis) is the most beautiful and most complex of the three (cm.350X20X9) probably dates from the XI or XII century and almost certainly an original copy back from the classical period, speaks of eclipses, the synodic period of Venus, religious rituals and practices of divination for over 70 pages. It was discovered in Vienna in 1739, and was later purchased by the library of Saxony in Dresden.
E 'was just part of that code of the library of Dresden, Forstermann Ernst, an employee of that library, was able to decipher some of the Mayan calendar, and to make the long count that allows you to set a date in relation to the starting point Maya chronologically through a series of glyphs. Forstermann, in fact, had made up his mind to find the content of that strange book of magic, and was the first in 1887 to understand that they were tables of the planet Venus.
And it is the Dresden Codex to provide enlightenment on how long the computation of time marked by the Mayan calendar would stop consciously December 21 2012. We know little about how they imagined the end of the world. The only image we can have it looking at the last page of the Dresden Codex. In it we see the water that destroys the world, it comes out of volcanoes, the Sun and the Moon creating darkness that prevails on the light.
What is this water?
It 'easy to imagine why this prophecy - or rather, this computation time - has so influenced the Maya people today. If you try to imagine that prophecy, updating the first thing that comes to mind is global warming: rise of the oceans, etc. .. But many other possibilities come to mind: the fall of a meteorite, frightening eruptions. And there are also those who imagine that the water will invade the world, this new fifth element can be given off by the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, which - coincidentally - is about to begin in Geneva, and will be fully effective right around 2012. ..
December 21, 2012 just a film or it will be our end?
There is no period in human history in which the possible end of the world has not been a topic of discussion and beliefs. From ancient times until today, all people wanted or had to believe in supernatural events to mark the passing of time and give a cause for unexplained events. The myths, cosmology, magic, the cabala and the prophecies have been the means by which to give a name, an order and a different importance to the mysterious events that occur in nature.
day of the year or certain extraordinary events were then taken as significant and used to mark the seasons or years. Example rediscover each day is a calculation of the years in Western culture that is linked to the birth of Christ. Following the same procedure, with sometimes more mathematical calculations or related to the seasons, is the calculation of days and years, the holidays. The calculation of hours, and then the day is based on the time taken for the Earth to make one complete revolution on its axis of rotation, whereas for the calculation of years is based on the time it takes for the planet to make a complete revolution around the sun. These examples demonstrate how science and faith are two key elements in determining the length of life and everything around us. DATE OF ISSUE
course, not all peoples and cultures share the same timetable and the same parameters: the Arab populations as they are calculating the years since the birth of the prophet Muhammad in 570 AD the Hebrew calendar, composed of twelve regular and thirteen months as the Chinese, not part of the advent of Christ, but calculated from the day of Creation around 3760 BC, according to reports that the Old Testament. This shows how natural events, human events, or celestial events are a reference point for running or restarting the calculation of time, creating cycles of time.
Likewise also the prophecies of Nostradamus and St. Malachy, the announcement of adverse events, cataclysm or apocalypse proclaimed in the sacred texts in the past would have been sufficient to establish a transition from one era to another. Many of these predictions have been disproved, others have come true, but one indisputable fact is that today the man believes, wrongly or rightly, in similar statements.
The feedback we have another date in December 21, 2012: not just a Friday, but the day that marks the end of an era. There are a number of years that the attention of the media, scholars and curious, and Hollywood cinema, is related to this day. Why so much curiosity? December 21, 2012 What? Where did this interest?
The recurrence can be attributed to the Mayan calendar and other peoples of Central America: on that day would the Fourth Age. However, according to the Maya do not will face a catastrophe of environmental or climate, but rather will pass from the era of Pisces to the Aquarius. The infamous Doomsday during which the human race will be swept by the existence of natural disasters is a theory supported by a current defeatist and the New Age movement. According to the people of Central America, however, would be an opportunity to celebrate with rituals, dances and banquets. The Mayan calendar is based on twenty-five cycles, the longest known Long Count is what we are currently experiencing and lasts exactly 1,872,000 days, that is 5,125 years. The current cycle would end as December 20, 2012 and December 21 it would start a new one.
the same date, December 21, 2012, coincides with the expiry of the next precession the equinoxes, the earth movement that changes made in a slow but continuous orientation of its axis of rotation with respect to the fixed stars referring to the planet. Because of the shape is not perfectly spherical earth and the gravitational forces of moon and sun acting on the equatorial projection, the earth behaves like a spinning top, changing some place. The end result is the so-called precessing who completed every 25,800 years or so, during which the position of stars relative to the celestial sphere and thus change its celestial poles to the earth reference. This hypothesis is based on calculations of mold more scientific and probably more reliable. The feared consequences do not would be the most optimistic for our country. In fact, by changing the position of the planet and stellar references fixed it would face a disaster determined by the inversion of geophysical Earth's poles and mutations of the land.
A similar theory was put forward some years ago of the scientist and futurist Gordon Michael Scallion. Many nations, particularly those in East Asia, Europe and South America will change appearance completely, to disappear in large part, from the seas will rise as new lands including those of Atlantis. Maybe it's a landscape too futuristic or apocalyptic, but there is also among the cases and this is the only type of harmful to humans. The Jewish holy book, the Torah, in addition to above and according to recent studies that the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, announced that in 5776, corresponding to the 2012, a comet would hit the planet.
As you can see an aura of mystery surrounding the year 2012. The Mayan people was not the only one to identify the specific date of a change of course for the planet. Other civilizations, far more distant than with the peoples of Central America have nothing in common, similar events have predicted for the same period. Example is the Indian cultures of North America, those Judeo-Christian, Islamic, Brahmins, Hindus and speak Cambodian cycle in which we live, sharing the beginning of the millennium date change.
The question is though: why so much attention to the predictions of the Maya people? For a time his popularity is due to the attention of cinema in recent years are mentioned only Apocalypto (2006) by Mel Gibson and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (2008) by Steven Spielberg. There are other factors that made the prophecy credible. In chronological order, include the fact that just recently was found a stele in Tortuguero, Costa Rica, which confirms the end of the Mayan calendar on the same date and the return of the nine gods, for this occasion important celebrations. The elder Carlos Barrios Mayan priest, a scholar of ancient sacred calendars, his people is a source of truth for both its presence since the dawn of time, and the fact that predictions are not new to this important topic. The concept of space-time is the fundamental principle of its assumptions for which there are cycles that recur periodically in accordance with a precise relationship. A closer look is the same physical principle that underlies the precession of the equinoxes and that is why the Maya assumptions are even more reliable. To validate this thesis are the previous episodes of foreknowledge, provided by the sacred calendars. The eclipse had been predicted August 19, 1999 the first 500 years, from August 2000 to the present day we have witnessed a violent earthquake that occurred in Iran, the killing of a dictator, Saddam Hussein, a great flood, the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, 'type of terrorist attack on the system, the Twin Towers in 2001. For some coincidences are trivial, others of the warning signs of what is likely to happen.
The only consolation at this point is that the Mayan prediction should not caused adverse effects on humanity. Those who, in this context suggests a different perspective is the scholar Geoff Stray, author of the 2012 test ecstasy or disaster?, arguing that there will be a step forward in human evolution, a new state of consciousness which humanity acquire more optimism and an increase in brain mass. The new era is also characterized by a social, environmental and economic impact better than the previous. The same view, consequences and end date is also supported by Enzo Braschi, known to most as a comedian, but author of the novel of earth and light. The comedian takes the view of peoples Opi, December 21, 2012 that would return the ancestors of Cacin, the first that gave impetus to the Indian civilization in North America, originated from the constellation Blue Star ignited.
The "end of the world" and "seven times"
Any operation has a numerological consolidation, known as "feedback", which proves its accuracy (the litmus test, the ' reversal of its parts, the sum of the subtracted result and so on). The "seven times" Bible are, first of all, a period where God has not abandoned the man who seeks his destiny. Only an analysis, perceptively honest, the scripture reveals that this period is crucial for those who have faith and take their own lives. Why? Why the "seven times" make us realize how close is the maintenance of God's promise But what is God's promise? God created Adam and Eve perfect souls and told him to enjoy the entire creation forever, have children and giving it a curious spirit that would allow him to develop his mind and culture ("And Yhwh God took the man and placed in the garden of Eden to till it and care had "-" Now Yhwh God formed from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and led the man to see what each would have called, and in any manner the man called the living soul that was his name "- Genesis 2:15 and 2:19).
But when man sinned, disobeying God also would have been easy to destroy and remake it, maybe slave who obey him without question. But God is not a tyrant. Want to be loved by man freely, not by compulsion. It was for this reason that a man and a woman endowed with free will. Furthermore, Satan and his demons could see and have something to argue. Yhwh then decided to give the devil the time to try him and all the angels who remained faithful to that man does not serve him because she loved him but for what God gave him (the second chapter of Job.) And 'this is the important step. The time allowed to the Devil are the "seven times ".
In the twenty-first chapter of the book of Luke (in the book of Matthew the twenty-fourth) state of the prophecies that Jesus did talking to four of his disciples. After listing a series of disasters, natural or not, Jesus continues, "... ... ... .. and will fall under the edge of the sword and be led captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by nations, until the times of the nations not are fulfilled. "
"The times of the nations." What are they? For a more detailed analysis is not difficult to understand that "the times of the nations" are nothing more than "seven times" cited by the prophetic book of Daniel. Over the centuries, many theologians and exegetes have scrutinized the Bible to see if God had given mankind precise coordinates to make it clear when it would come "the end". Many of them have abandoned such challenge, others believe it's completed. Speaking in four of his disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus said that the "end times" would have had a number of distinctive features with any other historical period. Then he added:
"Notice the fig tree and all the other trees, when they put the seeds, watching them, APET you hung out that summer is near, so do you be when you see all these things, know that the Kingdom of God is near, I tell you truly, this generation shall not pass till all these things occur. "
Which generation was talking about Jesus? If it were the generation of Jews who perished with the temple in 70 BCE, "the times of the nations" would have ended there. Instead they continued. When Titus destroyed the temple did not happen almost nothing of what Jesus prophesied (apart from the erection of a fence made by the Romans in the city to imprison more people than are possible). But the prophecy was fulfilled a larger, and for the future, otherwise the apostle John would not have written in 96 AD, in the Apocalypse, and then after 26 years destruction of the temple, that "the vision is yet for the appointed time." Those prophecies related to other times, our own. The only way to read the fourth chapter of the book of Daniel and compare it to Revelation.
Daniel was able to send us the story of a dream that Nebuchadnezzar the king and told him that the king himself had done. He dreamed of a big tree high above the ground. This tree representing the dominion of God on earth, of which the nation of Israel was the image,
the legitimate representative. The tree is cut in logs and tight to prevent the regrowth, "till seven times pass over it themselves." These "seven times" must be of vital importance for humanity because it speaks about Jesus in the Gospels and John in Revelation. How do you calculate? On what date did you have to start?
Since the questions are in the Bible is reasonable to think that we have the answers. And indeed there are. In the Apocalypse realize that your time is equivalent to three hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12:6 _14). In verse 14 we are talking about a woman who remains in the desert where it is nourished for a "time, times and half a time." The greek word here translated "gods" means the minimum of the plural, and that is two, for a total of three and a half times. Now, just compare Revelation 12:14 with Revelation 12:6, in which it is said that a woman flees into the desert where it is nourished for 1260 days, and dividing that number in half past three, we understand that time is equal to three hundred and sixty days. We must not exercise the genes to multiply 360x7 mathematicians. Equal: 2520 days. It 's true, there are still few, less than seven years. But here is where things get interesting. According to Numbers chapter 14 verse 34, one day is one year. So we have 2520 years. Litmus test?
The history books tell us that to the first century in Israel there was a great expectation of the Messiah. Why? Why are the prophecies of Daniel were accurate both for the destruction of the temple, both as regards the coming of the Messiah. These can only be accurate, and can only refer to that particular historical period. Daniel tells us that the destruction of the temple will come and soon after the death of the Messiah.
"by the enactment of the word to restore Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks also sixty-two weeks ... ... ..." for a total of sixty-nine weeks (Daniel 9:25). "The issue", "the word" to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple was issued by King Artaxerxes in 455 BC, as the book of Nehemiah:
"It happened in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, in the month of Nisan ... ... ... ", the king gave the Jews permission to return home. From ancient sources we know that the king Artaxerxes became king in 475 BC By adding 20 years is out of date 455 BC
Now, 69 weeks is 483 days. Where, under the rule of Biblical Numbers 14:34 we transform day in years what happens? 455 years that we steal from other 483 years. By doing this, and taking into account that there is no year zero, it turns out that in 29 AD It was the very year in which Jesus came to John to be baptized, becoming the Messiah. Daniel 9:27 adds:
"And He shall keep in force the agreement for one week. And in the middle of the week will break (his death) and offering sacrifice gift. "
Here Daniel talks about the death of Jesus, who made his earthly ministry in three and a half years, mid-week, and at the end of the week, in 36 AD, to God, to Pentecost, the Spirit upon the Apostles and his disciples.
Now, if this proves accurate count for the coming of the Messiah and the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple, why should not also for "the end of the world"?
Revelation 12:7-10 tells us that at the end of the seven times Michael, who is the resurrected Jesus Christ, supported by his angels, he began to reign in heaven after Satan and cast out demons on earth. Christ has already begun to reign? Gone are the "seven times"?
In the book we talk about Edra the Persian king Cyrus the Great. From secular sources that Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC. If this date is added "... the first year of Cyrus," as they say in Ezra 1:1, we arrive at 538 BC In the third chapter of Ezra says that the Jewish people met after seven months in Jerusalem, probably in
the end of 537 BC If we add to this date 70 years of Jewish exile in Babylon in 607 BC In that year comes something happens in Jerusalem. Ezekiel gives the facts in the 21st chapter of his book, in verses 25 and 27. After Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel put on the throne of Jerusalem Zedekiah, his relative as head of a puppet government. He "sat on the throne as king of Yhwh. " In 607 Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar resulting in exile to lead the Jews who remained in the country after the first Babylonian invasion. Prior to that the fact God had announced something really important for us today. He told Zedekiah
"Remove the turban and take off the crown. This may not be the same ... ... ... ... ... .. As this certainly become no one until he comes who has the legal right and I have to give him. "
The crown should not be the same again because this would be a coronation on earth. "He who has the legal right" Jesus was and would be crowned in heaven Yhwh by his father. Since the nation of Israel was the throne of God on earth, as they say in 1Chronicles 29:23, when King Zedekiah fell there was no one to represent God on earth. Warning: the seven days from when Zedekiah took the crown, in 607 BC Since
that there was not any nation that would represent the Kingdom of God on earth.
Now, if on that date, 607 BC, we add the 2520 years of the seven times, and calculating that there is no year zero, we arrive at 1914. All of us in life we \u200b\u200bknow what happened on that date and after. The world was never the same. They had never known the world wars, atomic bombs and missiles with nuclear warheads. Yes, we are living the "end times". Remember the words of Jesus? The Great Tribulation, the sign of the end of time.
"This generation will not pass at all."
Which generation Jesus spoke? That was founded in 1914. The world will end before the last year was born to die. Curiously
the similarities with the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar in 2012 fits a lot with that predicted by the Bible. Just a coincidence?
To measure time, the Mayans used three systems calculated by the observations of the cyclical recurrence of the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses, the zenithal passage of the sun, the position of the stars and moon phases. On this basis, developed a ritual calendar (Tzolkin) of 260 days, consisting of cycles of 20 days represented by glyphs 13 digits, and a Calendar Solar (Haab) of 365 days divided into 18 months of twenty days each, plus a short period of 5 days nefarious (uayeb), called "days suspended" or "lost." The combination of these calendars were carved with glyphs and numerical signs on a wheel calendar.
addition, the Maya used the so-called Income Long, probably invented by the Olmecs and Maya perfected by mathematicians. The basis of the number system was vigesimal with the help of zero. The figures below 20 were represented by dots to the number 5, which was instead designated with a slash, while 20 were represented by a glyph in the shape of a shell or stylized flower. However the numbers 0 to 20 were also represented by glyphs in the shape of faces, while 18 months and five days in excess of the annual cycle - each appointed with a proper name - were transcribed with stylized images of glyphs.
Long periods of account - covering 5125 years, that the whole cycle of history according to the Mayan point of view - they were always depicted by glyphs divided into Tun (the entire calendar year, but did not calculate the five-day suspension ), composed in turn eighteen uinal (the cycle of 20 days). 20 Tun was reached by adding up the unity of a Katun which, multiplied again by the winds, became a Baktun (400 years maya).
Mayan era was composed of 13 Baktun and epigraphists - transcribing glyphs with their weightings in Arabic numerals - were able to calculate that, according to the account along the Maya settled the beginning of their history on August 11 3114 BC and thought it would end on December 21 of 2012 of our era.
The prophecies we find in the most ancient astronomical calendars of ancient civilizations like the Olmecs, the Toltecs, the Mayans, and then get to those made by Universal Master Jesus Christ and following the apocryphal apocalypses and that of John. Following all the prophets have simply related the effects to the causes gradually generated by men.
The Maya inherited from the Olmecs, an ancient people who apparently came from the lost continent of Atlantis, that happened about 12,000 years ago, because of the falling of a celestial body which made him plunge into a day and a night, as well as tell ancient philosophers such as Solon, Plato etc ...
This calendar starts from 3114 BC and ending in 2012 AD. In essence, this calendar cycle is put into relationship with the tour of the galaxy where are we, the Milky Way. According to the Maya, each time the calendar ends cosmic era ends and another begins.
According to the Maya there were five eons each corresponding to Civilization. The previous four eras, water, air, fire and earth, all would end with the huge environmental upheavals. Some scholars argue that the first civilization that was destroyed by water, was Atlantis. In the Mayan people Vu, one reads:
"a flood was caused by the heart of Heaven ... a heavy resin fell from heaven ... the face of the earth grew dark, and black rain fell on it, night and day."
According to the Mayan spiritual man are the historical events related to the celestial movements, and this is very true because each individual universe is closely tied with the universe itself, only by relating the evolution human with the cosmic evolution can predict the future because everything is in the beginning of everything. If the principle is logical to know the cause originates below the effect of everything.
So if this is what awaits us and it is true what I have said so far, namely that the universe there is a fraternal cooperation, surely someone will take care of those men and women who have a clear vision of life as evolution and spiritual and material progress. For this has been said and written down "to them will not be removed even a hair," but to whom?
extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to implement the most largest evacuation in the history of mankind. Large ships have long been built for this eventuality. Men must prepare for ascension, the dimensional change, the new physical and spiritual vibration. But many prefer to believe in man in the field, in the property accumulated on the ground rather than in the divine plan that was our ride. But this should not be considered as the rescue of the elect, but a cosmic intervention help, a kind of galactic civil protection mold. But many
but unfortunately will have to go without the body, how many planets will be exiled to suit their degree of spirituality. After that the earth will re likely to harbor life, after several purification procedures implemented by the astral, the man will live on a new earth and under a new sky. The doors will open up the cosmos is now humanity will be part of the cosmic brotherhood.
2012 - The Mayan Prophecy - The End of the World according to the last page of the Dresden Codex.
One thing we must understand as to why the prophecy of the Mayan date of 2012 has exploded so dramatically in this period, the whole world.
The Maya were obsessed with time. The entire territory of the Maya, with its hundreds of cities of stone can be classified as a huge monument in close relationship to time. On the walls surrounding the fields for playing ball, the temples, lintels, wall sculptures and even the shells, jade on - used in great abundance - the Maya for a period spanning about 1000 years, they recorded their dates do not just arrived at the conclusion of the work, or they recorded some event to celebrate the past.
A scholar has even found an inscription that dates back to Maya ninety million years in the past.
But why the Maya had this obsessive concern at the time?
Why - this is the simple answer - the Mayans believed that time was cyclical. And that the same influence and the same consequences as a repetition in any given period in history.
It was Diego de Landa - the first and most comprehensive West to come into contact and further exploring the Mayan culture - to write in his diary: "Could they (the Maya) to calculate their ages beautifully, and so it was easy for a old man with whom I happened to talk, to remember a tradition that goes back three hundred years before. Anyone who has brought order to their calculation of the katun, was the devil, it did so with an accuracy never before equaled. "
A sort of compendium of this incredible interpretation of the time - the Mayans believed the world had suffered apocalyptic destroyed four times, and that when the curtain rose on the history of the Maya, they were living in the era following the fifth foundation of the world (the Indians told to Diego de Landa that the gods who governed the land was "when the world was destroyed by the flood ") - located in what is universally known as the Dresden Codex (photo on top).
The Dresden Codex is one of three surviving Mayan codices - by a miracle - to the fury of the English conquest, which we know he unfortunately scorched earth of the entire Mayan culture.
the Dresden Codex (aka Codex Dresdensis) is the most beautiful and most complex of the three (cm.350X20X9) probably dates from the XI or XII century and almost certainly an original copy back from the classical period, speaks of eclipses, the synodic period of Venus, religious rituals and practices of divination for over 70 pages. It was discovered in Vienna in 1739, and was later purchased by the library of Saxony in Dresden.
E 'was just part of that code of the library of Dresden, Forstermann Ernst, an employee of that library, was able to decipher some of the Mayan calendar, and to make the long count that allows you to set a date in relation to the starting point Maya chronologically through a series of glyphs. Forstermann, in fact, had made up his mind to find the content of that strange book of magic, and was the first in 1887 to understand that they were tables of the planet Venus.
And it is the Dresden Codex to provide enlightenment on how long the computation of time marked by the Mayan calendar would stop consciously December 21 2012. We know little about how they imagined the end of the world. The only image we can have it looking at the last page of the Dresden Codex. In it we see the water that destroys the world, it comes out of volcanoes, the Sun and the Moon creating darkness that prevails on the light.
What is this water?
It 'easy to imagine why this prophecy - or rather, this computation time - has so influenced the Maya people today. If you try to imagine that prophecy, updating the first thing that comes to mind is global warming: rise of the oceans, etc. .. But many other possibilities come to mind: the fall of a meteorite, frightening eruptions. And there are also those who imagine that the water will invade the world, this new fifth element can be given off by the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, which - coincidentally - is about to begin in Geneva, and will be fully effective right around 2012. ..
December 21, 2012 just a film or it will be our end?
There is no period in human history in which the possible end of the world has not been a topic of discussion and beliefs. From ancient times until today, all people wanted or had to believe in supernatural events to mark the passing of time and give a cause for unexplained events. The myths, cosmology, magic, the cabala and the prophecies have been the means by which to give a name, an order and a different importance to the mysterious events that occur in nature.
day of the year or certain extraordinary events were then taken as significant and used to mark the seasons or years. Example rediscover each day is a calculation of the years in Western culture that is linked to the birth of Christ. Following the same procedure, with sometimes more mathematical calculations or related to the seasons, is the calculation of days and years, the holidays. The calculation of hours, and then the day is based on the time taken for the Earth to make one complete revolution on its axis of rotation, whereas for the calculation of years is based on the time it takes for the planet to make a complete revolution around the sun. These examples demonstrate how science and faith are two key elements in determining the length of life and everything around us. DATE OF ISSUE
course, not all peoples and cultures share the same timetable and the same parameters: the Arab populations as they are calculating the years since the birth of the prophet Muhammad in 570 AD the Hebrew calendar, composed of twelve regular and thirteen months as the Chinese, not part of the advent of Christ, but calculated from the day of Creation around 3760 BC, according to reports that the Old Testament. This shows how natural events, human events, or celestial events are a reference point for running or restarting the calculation of time, creating cycles of time.
Likewise also the prophecies of Nostradamus and St. Malachy, the announcement of adverse events, cataclysm or apocalypse proclaimed in the sacred texts in the past would have been sufficient to establish a transition from one era to another. Many of these predictions have been disproved, others have come true, but one indisputable fact is that today the man believes, wrongly or rightly, in similar statements.
The feedback we have another date in December 21, 2012: not just a Friday, but the day that marks the end of an era. There are a number of years that the attention of the media, scholars and curious, and Hollywood cinema, is related to this day. Why so much curiosity? December 21, 2012 What? Where did this interest?
The recurrence can be attributed to the Mayan calendar and other peoples of Central America: on that day would the Fourth Age. However, according to the Maya do not will face a catastrophe of environmental or climate, but rather will pass from the era of Pisces to the Aquarius. The infamous Doomsday during which the human race will be swept by the existence of natural disasters is a theory supported by a current defeatist and the New Age movement. According to the people of Central America, however, would be an opportunity to celebrate with rituals, dances and banquets. The Mayan calendar is based on twenty-five cycles, the longest known Long Count is what we are currently experiencing and lasts exactly 1,872,000 days, that is 5,125 years. The current cycle would end as December 20, 2012 and December 21 it would start a new one.
the same date, December 21, 2012, coincides with the expiry of the next precession the equinoxes, the earth movement that changes made in a slow but continuous orientation of its axis of rotation with respect to the fixed stars referring to the planet. Because of the shape is not perfectly spherical earth and the gravitational forces of moon and sun acting on the equatorial projection, the earth behaves like a spinning top, changing some place. The end result is the so-called precessing who completed every 25,800 years or so, during which the position of stars relative to the celestial sphere and thus change its celestial poles to the earth reference. This hypothesis is based on calculations of mold more scientific and probably more reliable. The feared consequences do not would be the most optimistic for our country. In fact, by changing the position of the planet and stellar references fixed it would face a disaster determined by the inversion of geophysical Earth's poles and mutations of the land.
A similar theory was put forward some years ago of the scientist and futurist Gordon Michael Scallion. Many nations, particularly those in East Asia, Europe and South America will change appearance completely, to disappear in large part, from the seas will rise as new lands including those of Atlantis. Maybe it's a landscape too futuristic or apocalyptic, but there is also among the cases and this is the only type of harmful to humans. The Jewish holy book, the Torah, in addition to above and according to recent studies that the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, announced that in 5776, corresponding to the 2012, a comet would hit the planet.
As you can see an aura of mystery surrounding the year 2012. The Mayan people was not the only one to identify the specific date of a change of course for the planet. Other civilizations, far more distant than with the peoples of Central America have nothing in common, similar events have predicted for the same period. Example is the Indian cultures of North America, those Judeo-Christian, Islamic, Brahmins, Hindus and speak Cambodian cycle in which we live, sharing the beginning of the millennium date change.
The question is though: why so much attention to the predictions of the Maya people? For a time his popularity is due to the attention of cinema in recent years are mentioned only Apocalypto (2006) by Mel Gibson and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (2008) by Steven Spielberg. There are other factors that made the prophecy credible. In chronological order, include the fact that just recently was found a stele in Tortuguero, Costa Rica, which confirms the end of the Mayan calendar on the same date and the return of the nine gods, for this occasion important celebrations. The elder Carlos Barrios Mayan priest, a scholar of ancient sacred calendars, his people is a source of truth for both its presence since the dawn of time, and the fact that predictions are not new to this important topic. The concept of space-time is the fundamental principle of its assumptions for which there are cycles that recur periodically in accordance with a precise relationship. A closer look is the same physical principle that underlies the precession of the equinoxes and that is why the Maya assumptions are even more reliable. To validate this thesis are the previous episodes of foreknowledge, provided by the sacred calendars. The eclipse had been predicted August 19, 1999 the first 500 years, from August 2000 to the present day we have witnessed a violent earthquake that occurred in Iran, the killing of a dictator, Saddam Hussein, a great flood, the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, 'type of terrorist attack on the system, the Twin Towers in 2001. For some coincidences are trivial, others of the warning signs of what is likely to happen.
The only consolation at this point is that the Mayan prediction should not caused adverse effects on humanity. Those who, in this context suggests a different perspective is the scholar Geoff Stray, author of the 2012 test ecstasy or disaster?, arguing that there will be a step forward in human evolution, a new state of consciousness which humanity acquire more optimism and an increase in brain mass. The new era is also characterized by a social, environmental and economic impact better than the previous. The same view, consequences and end date is also supported by Enzo Braschi, known to most as a comedian, but author of the novel of earth and light. The comedian takes the view of peoples Opi, December 21, 2012 that would return the ancestors of Cacin, the first that gave impetus to the Indian civilization in North America, originated from the constellation Blue Star ignited.
The "end of the world" and "seven times"
Any operation has a numerological consolidation, known as "feedback", which proves its accuracy (the litmus test, the ' reversal of its parts, the sum of the subtracted result and so on). The "seven times" Bible are, first of all, a period where God has not abandoned the man who seeks his destiny. Only an analysis, perceptively honest, the scripture reveals that this period is crucial for those who have faith and take their own lives. Why? Why the "seven times" make us realize how close is the maintenance of God's promise But what is God's promise? God created Adam and Eve perfect souls and told him to enjoy the entire creation forever, have children and giving it a curious spirit that would allow him to develop his mind and culture ("And Yhwh God took the man and placed in the garden of Eden to till it and care had "-" Now Yhwh God formed from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and led the man to see what each would have called, and in any manner the man called the living soul that was his name "- Genesis 2:15 and 2:19).
But when man sinned, disobeying God also would have been easy to destroy and remake it, maybe slave who obey him without question. But God is not a tyrant. Want to be loved by man freely, not by compulsion. It was for this reason that a man and a woman endowed with free will. Furthermore, Satan and his demons could see and have something to argue. Yhwh then decided to give the devil the time to try him and all the angels who remained faithful to that man does not serve him because she loved him but for what God gave him (the second chapter of Job.) And 'this is the important step. The time allowed to the Devil are the "seven times ".
In the twenty-first chapter of the book of Luke (in the book of Matthew the twenty-fourth) state of the prophecies that Jesus did talking to four of his disciples. After listing a series of disasters, natural or not, Jesus continues, "... ... ... .. and will fall under the edge of the sword and be led captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by nations, until the times of the nations not are fulfilled. "
"The times of the nations." What are they? For a more detailed analysis is not difficult to understand that "the times of the nations" are nothing more than "seven times" cited by the prophetic book of Daniel. Over the centuries, many theologians and exegetes have scrutinized the Bible to see if God had given mankind precise coordinates to make it clear when it would come "the end". Many of them have abandoned such challenge, others believe it's completed. Speaking in four of his disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus said that the "end times" would have had a number of distinctive features with any other historical period. Then he added:
"Notice the fig tree and all the other trees, when they put the seeds, watching them, APET you hung out that summer is near, so do you be when you see all these things, know that the Kingdom of God is near, I tell you truly, this generation shall not pass till all these things occur. "
Which generation was talking about Jesus? If it were the generation of Jews who perished with the temple in 70 BCE, "the times of the nations" would have ended there. Instead they continued. When Titus destroyed the temple did not happen almost nothing of what Jesus prophesied (apart from the erection of a fence made by the Romans in the city to imprison more people than are possible). But the prophecy was fulfilled a larger, and for the future, otherwise the apostle John would not have written in 96 AD, in the Apocalypse, and then after 26 years destruction of the temple, that "the vision is yet for the appointed time." Those prophecies related to other times, our own. The only way to read the fourth chapter of the book of Daniel and compare it to Revelation.
Daniel was able to send us the story of a dream that Nebuchadnezzar the king and told him that the king himself had done. He dreamed of a big tree high above the ground. This tree representing the dominion of God on earth, of which the nation of Israel was the image,
the legitimate representative. The tree is cut in logs and tight to prevent the regrowth, "till seven times pass over it themselves." These "seven times" must be of vital importance for humanity because it speaks about Jesus in the Gospels and John in Revelation. How do you calculate? On what date did you have to start?
Since the questions are in the Bible is reasonable to think that we have the answers. And indeed there are. In the Apocalypse realize that your time is equivalent to three hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12:6 _14). In verse 14 we are talking about a woman who remains in the desert where it is nourished for a "time, times and half a time." The greek word here translated "gods" means the minimum of the plural, and that is two, for a total of three and a half times. Now, just compare Revelation 12:14 with Revelation 12:6, in which it is said that a woman flees into the desert where it is nourished for 1260 days, and dividing that number in half past three, we understand that time is equal to three hundred and sixty days. We must not exercise the genes to multiply 360x7 mathematicians. Equal: 2520 days. It 's true, there are still few, less than seven years. But here is where things get interesting. According to Numbers chapter 14 verse 34, one day is one year. So we have 2520 years. Litmus test?
The history books tell us that to the first century in Israel there was a great expectation of the Messiah. Why? Why are the prophecies of Daniel were accurate both for the destruction of the temple, both as regards the coming of the Messiah. These can only be accurate, and can only refer to that particular historical period. Daniel tells us that the destruction of the temple will come and soon after the death of the Messiah.
"by the enactment of the word to restore Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks also sixty-two weeks ... ... ..." for a total of sixty-nine weeks (Daniel 9:25). "The issue", "the word" to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple was issued by King Artaxerxes in 455 BC, as the book of Nehemiah:
"It happened in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, in the month of Nisan ... ... ... ", the king gave the Jews permission to return home. From ancient sources we know that the king Artaxerxes became king in 475 BC By adding 20 years is out of date 455 BC
Now, 69 weeks is 483 days. Where, under the rule of Biblical Numbers 14:34 we transform day in years what happens? 455 years that we steal from other 483 years. By doing this, and taking into account that there is no year zero, it turns out that in 29 AD It was the very year in which Jesus came to John to be baptized, becoming the Messiah. Daniel 9:27 adds:
"And He shall keep in force the agreement for one week. And in the middle of the week will break (his death) and offering sacrifice gift. "
Here Daniel talks about the death of Jesus, who made his earthly ministry in three and a half years, mid-week, and at the end of the week, in 36 AD, to God, to Pentecost, the Spirit upon the Apostles and his disciples.
Now, if this proves accurate count for the coming of the Messiah and the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple, why should not also for "the end of the world"?
Revelation 12:7-10 tells us that at the end of the seven times Michael, who is the resurrected Jesus Christ, supported by his angels, he began to reign in heaven after Satan and cast out demons on earth. Christ has already begun to reign? Gone are the "seven times"?
In the book we talk about Edra the Persian king Cyrus the Great. From secular sources that Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC. If this date is added "... the first year of Cyrus," as they say in Ezra 1:1, we arrive at 538 BC In the third chapter of Ezra says that the Jewish people met after seven months in Jerusalem, probably in
the end of 537 BC If we add to this date 70 years of Jewish exile in Babylon in 607 BC In that year comes something happens in Jerusalem. Ezekiel gives the facts in the 21st chapter of his book, in verses 25 and 27. After Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel put on the throne of Jerusalem Zedekiah, his relative as head of a puppet government. He "sat on the throne as king of Yhwh. " In 607 Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar resulting in exile to lead the Jews who remained in the country after the first Babylonian invasion. Prior to that the fact God had announced something really important for us today. He told Zedekiah
"Remove the turban and take off the crown. This may not be the same ... ... ... ... ... .. As this certainly become no one until he comes who has the legal right and I have to give him. "
The crown should not be the same again because this would be a coronation on earth. "He who has the legal right" Jesus was and would be crowned in heaven Yhwh by his father. Since the nation of Israel was the throne of God on earth, as they say in 1Chronicles 29:23, when King Zedekiah fell there was no one to represent God on earth. Warning: the seven days from when Zedekiah took the crown, in 607 BC Since
that there was not any nation that would represent the Kingdom of God on earth.
Now, if on that date, 607 BC, we add the 2520 years of the seven times, and calculating that there is no year zero, we arrive at 1914. All of us in life we \u200b\u200bknow what happened on that date and after. The world was never the same. They had never known the world wars, atomic bombs and missiles with nuclear warheads. Yes, we are living the "end times". Remember the words of Jesus? The Great Tribulation, the sign of the end of time.
"This generation will not pass at all."
Which generation Jesus spoke? That was founded in 1914. The world will end before the last year was born to die. Curiously
the similarities with the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar in 2012 fits a lot with that predicted by the Bible. Just a coincidence?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Deployed, House, Mortgage
September 11, 2001, the truth is far from over.
The official version of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, in brief is this: The
September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab terrorists suicide full of hatred towards freedom and have hijacked American democracy (armed with box cutters) four airliners (namely two Boeing-757 and two Boeing-767 of the American and United Airlines) and have flown into the twin towers of the two World Trade Center ( WTC) in New York, and a third into the Pentagon, to show their devotion to Allah to punish the blasphemer and the American capitalist empire.
The fourth (UA-93) as we have been told it crashed in western Pennsylvania, after passengers fought the terrorists have, have overcome them, in an act of heroism and sacrifice in order to avoid other deaths (we know this because the terrorists on that flight were ordered to passengers to call their loved ones back home and tell what was happening. For some reason, boh ... Arab customs. But thanks to this we know many details about events that otherwise we could never know).
the twin towers collapsed because their structure and then sold as a result of fires caused by aircraft crashes, and another skyscraper, WTC-7, more than 200 yards away, crashed in turn because of some fires that had developed in it (so still not clear). All three buildings fell on their plant, perfectly vertical, and the cloud of pulverized concrete that he was given off most of the city and unfortunately intoxicated seriously many aid workers, who now, after years away, died or find themselves with sick lungs.
After two days of these facts, the FBI has pulled out of the cylinder, so still unknown, the names and identities of the 19 hijackers, and then those 19 faces are the culprits for all the world's largest terrorist attack history.
Why doubt this version?
Why is absurd, contradictory, illogical or just impossible
1 - That the FBI was able to identify all the bombers and nineteen (so-called "suicide") in less than 48 hours, providing time for photography each (some even two), although no Arabic name appeared in the passenger lists (check yourself), and at least half of them were totally unknown to the authorities themselves, at the time of the attacks, by their own admission.
2 - What Osama bin Laden has hatched this infernal machine, whose preparation would last five years,
a) staking everything on the total inexperience of its pilots / hijackers,
b) even though he had no real reason to do so (apart from an unspecified "hatred for American democracy"),
c) has in fact never claimed the attacks,
d) who has taken every advantage was the same administration that he wanted to hit, as far as I know projects to perfection and geopolitical interests.
3 - What the American authorities, who wanted to show number of times the planes hit the towers, they never presented to the public a single image of the plane approaching the Pentagon (apart from this, and this ridiculous filmatini showing all but a Boeing 757), when
a) should have dozens of cameras to film (and at least four from close range),
b) it is certain that at least two of these tapes have been seized by 'FBI (source)
and c) the lack of wreckage of the 757 (see here, here and here) is precisely the element that underpins all the accusations against the administration.
4 - Which likewise were unable to show any images of video-security of the hijackers boarding their flights, when doubts about their identity are perhaps the second weakness of the entire official version.
5 - What Aziz Alomari and Mohamed Atta, after years of careful preparation, they would squander their entire mission, going to try - for no apparent reason - a connecting flight so tight, that has since allowed the investigators to come to possession of valuable items for the survey.
6 - That a hijacker in the process of dying to write his girlfriend - with whom he is 5 years - the wrong address, but remember to put your hand in return, in the event of postal problems (source: Guardian and BBC). And generally a bit 'all the hijackers, as they should be careful and precise, have been able to spread along their path only copies of the Koran, credit cards, documents and instructions for those about to die and flight manuals in industrial quantities (source : CNN). German Minister Von Bulow sums up this ridiculous situation.
6a - that these hijackers were also deficient as to get drunk the night before the attacks (as a 757 pilot is also no hands, no?), Although they could not drink alcohol as Muslims, and to forget, watching a while 'the case, a copy of the Koran in the strip bar where they had gone (not to be believed ... Muslims, too extremist, misogynist and Puritans to the nth degree, which is drunk in a strip bar and then forget their holy book as if they had any importance ...)
7 - What four amateur pilots, not all licensed, with a bad reputation in flight schools (including for small aircraft and not for large commercial aircraft), and who have never sat at the controls of the first 757 or 767, were perfectly able to take possession of it in proportion, to guide you through security without making the slightest mistake, an orientation in heaven where they have never flown (some of them had never flown at all), to find targets that were hundreds of miles distance, and target them with coldness and pinpoint accuracy. One of them in particular, Hanjour, had done all this making a spectacular end to the pull-up he is capable of only a fighter jet, and then a maneuver to approach (the Pentagon) as illogical as physically impossible (see here) for those aircraft size.
8 - What to eight riders at 8:00 to 2:00 and co-pilot of American pilots, many of the United - not one has had time to activate the emergency signal indicating a hijacking in progress on the ground. Corresponds to the button that bank employees were on hand to report to the police a possible robbery. This lack of reporting has enabled the authorities considerably lengthen the time period in which they can claim to "not understanding" that it was hijacked and thus justify the inactivity of aviation. But in fact, established after the first hijacking, would still have had to react immediately turned off the transponder (among other things unexplained, too) in the other three. Instead it did not happen.
9 - May 19 hijackers, flying hundreds of miles away from each other, and which are not connected to an external director to be able to perform a particular maneuver in perfect coordination with one another ( impact of the one, the other off transponder), although they started from different airports, at times other than those provided for, and being unable to communicate directly (phones and radios do not work at that altitude and that speed).
10 - who have chosen a strategy in the first place so absurd, waiting for each one hit its target before the other came into action, with two of them (see here and here) that are even 300 miles away from Target already had on hand. A strategy that could work only in the unlikely event of a sudden stalling of the total U.S. air defense. What then is "miraculously" happened.
11 - What the world's most sophisticated air defense has gone so conveniently stalled up in those crucial two hours, unable to stop in any way, or even to board, only one of four planes.
12 - That as conveniently may be in progress, in those hours and those in heaven, various exercises are absolutely identical to what was really happening to the four hijacked planes. This fact has contributed a lot to increase the already considerable confusion controllers, civilian and military, caused by a series of contradictory orders which has never known the source.
13 - this embarrassing impasse has never been given any explanation, nor appear to have been punished or even identified, one responsible for what happened. (Di Usually, in situations like this, is the exact opposite: it is urgent for a scapegoat, to be given as soon as fed to the media.) In fact, absurd and the opposite occurred: the main culprits of such negligence are have all been promoted after Sept. 11, 2001, as if they had done their job to perfection (and maybe that's it, in a sense ...)!
14 - How many passengers have made calls with their cell phones in flight, when this proved impossible, for at least three reasons.
15 - What a plane crashing to the ground, and not officially shot down in air (UA93), scrap and remnants can be found within a radius about 8 miles (13 km).
16 - What the American authorities have maintained - and continue to support - that WTC 7 has collapsed on its own, because of a simple fire when they were denied by the same owner of the WTC Plaza, Larry Silverstein, who has admitted instead publicly controlled demolition. Not to mention the numerous tests that indicate that there may have been a spontaneous collapse.
17 - the same authorities claim that the Twin Towers have collapsed the pure impact of the planes, and subsequent fires when
a) clearly states that the project could absorb the impact of more than a big commercial jet, as explains in an interview the same designer Frank de Martini (download the interview - 742 Kb)
b) to explain the collapse of a vertical stand and rape must be beyond all the laws of physics, ignoring in particular the properties of heat radiation steel and
c) findings and visual testimonies of those firefighters are heavily in favor of controlled demolition, as well as many engineering analysis.
18 - What other laws of physics were suspended, allowing for normal passport card to survive an explosion at about 800 degrees Celsius, and that the passports of the hijackers belonged to their own and were found accidentally by their agents' s FBI. Which, in addition to the WTC, and later for the UA-93, in which case it was found many things belonging to the hijackers in incredibly good condition (the photos are on this page, a video showing the relics found is visible here), but, strangely, no recognizable wreckage of the plane. Watch a high definition photos of the magical passport found at the WTC: mine is worse off, and could not be found amid the crash of a plane into a skyscraper.
19 - What the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing-757 loaded with passengers and fuel, despite
a) some photos, whose authenticity is beyond doubt, in a disarming show the total absence of its wrecks.
b) on the facade of the Pentagon is still intact showing only an entrance hole no more than three to four meters,
c) 20 26 windows on the facade of the glasses were still intact after impact, and
d) there an exit hole, similar in size, even within the third ring of the Pentagon, whose origin was never explained by anyone, and that still remains entirely unexplained.
20 - that despite the total disappearance of the plane was able to recover and identify remains of almost all passengers, including those of the hijackers. That is, that burning steel and aluminum, but no human flesh.
21 - What have even 15 minutes after that the second plane hit the WTC was given the name of Bin Laden as a principal culprit of the attacks, and without presenting any evidence. A really
time record for the resolution of the investigation: never in the history of investigations on issues of international terrorism, there was a resolution of the case in the order of minutes, doubly amazing when combined with the authorities of the official U.S. investigation that up at the time of the attacks would be made completely unaware and ignorant of the whole plot of the multi-year conspiracy. (What later proved false)
22 - That the words of Van Romero (one of the leading experts in the field, vice-president of the New Mexico Tech Institute, already director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, which studies the effects of controlled explosions of buildings), uttered a few hours after the attacks: "My view is that after the planes hit the towers, there were some explosive charges placed inside the buildings that caused the collapse of the towers, "are completely false, and that is lying for some reason.
This hypothesis is also supported by seismographic data (see, for example those of Columbia University here and here). Were in fact recorded two aftershocks of magnitude 2.1 and 2.3 (far too high for simple spontaneous collapse) at the exact moment of the beginning of the collapses of the twin towers, before the first block rubble and the first ground impact. This seems to indicate the use of powerful explosives just before the collapse of the towers.
23 - it's just an incredible coincidence that the U.S. military were preparing war plans against Afghanistan for months before the attacks of September 11. Maybe they were looking for some event which would lead the American public generally disinterested towards a war, as in the past (see historical references to 11th September) and how they planned to do the 60s?
24 - What papers and passport documents incriminating bin Laden be found intact in the ruins of the WTC and the black boxes of aircraft - designed to withstand any type of accident - were damaged to the point of being unusable (all). They should build the same material as the Arab passports.
25 - What, even after several days and even weeks of the attacks on the WTC operators video has been forbidden to shoot or photograph the ruins from certain angles, as alleged by CBS Correspondent Lou Young, who asked: " What do we see fear? "
26 - What a plot so sophisticated, which involved at least 100 people and a preparation of at least five years, managed to escape all the intelligence services, particularly the CIA and FBI. And instead of trying and dismiss those responsible for this failure and renovate these agencies, are doubling their budget.
27 - What is the South Tower of the WTC collapsed earlier, when it was less damaged North Tower, which had been hit in full and has burned for much longer before it collapses (see here the damage and those of the North Tower South Tower).
28 - that the many witnesses who claim to have heard more explosions inside the WTC buildings are lying for some strange reason. And because the destruction of the towers is more like a controlled implosion than a spontaneous collapse?
29 - the numbers of seats of the hijackers, communicated via a phone conversation with the hostess Madeline Amy Sweeney on board the Air Traffic Control in Boston, do not coincide with the numbers of seats occupied by men who the FBI says were responsible for even quest'hostess lied for some strange reason.
30 - That even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and several newspapers have published the news that they lied when they reported that some of the alleged hijackers were not aboard the hijacked planes and in fact are still alive. Because these names are still on the FBI list? And why, if as some have argued these cases are of the same name, also have the same faces, the same data, the same qualifications and similar work of the alleged hijackers? They are all perfect and doubles at the same time the same name, plus a life identical to that of the hijackers? There is an equal chance of winning the lottery a hundred times in a row. Without buying a ticket.
31 - What, among all the flying schools in America, immediately after the attacks the FBI agents have gone in precisely those where the hijackers were trained, without fail, and which schools have guessed they were "out of sheer luck. " 32
- That one of the hijackers mentioned has led a suicide baggage for a flight and then has left in his car at the airport along with a letter that pointed out as guilty.
33 - May America has bombed Afghanistan and Iraq when the hijackers were neither Afghan nor Iraqi, but Arabs from various Middle Eastern countries. And 'as if France did an attack on Germany, and Germany in response bombed Italy. It makes no sense, unless the attack is not just an excuse to implement plans that were ready for a long before and to attack anyone, anywhere, regardless of their nationality, only because of the suspicion that it is terrorists or of people who favor the terrorists.
34 - that terrorists have managed to get the top secret codes and signals the White House and of the 'Air Force One - an excuse for President Bush tossed all over the country September 11, mind meanwhile Cheney took matters in hand and made her comfortable (source).
35 - What the witnesses who spoke of a second plane that followed the UA-93 (which would have fallen to the ground in Pennsylvania for a courageous rebellion of the passengers) and fireballs exploded in the air are all lying for some mysterious reason, and that a plane crashing into the ground send scrap to 13 km away and only make a hole about ten feet to the ground, leaving no recognizable wreckage.
36 - What news have described some of the passengers of Flight UA-93 mutilated and with his throat cut with cutters (source), while "Time" magazine of September 24 reported that one of the passengers called home on her cell phone to report: "We have been hijacked, but we are treating it kindly."
37 - That the occasional video messages from Osama bin Laden has been declared completely false by a Swiss institution that takes care of authenticating audiovisual material, but which are nevertheless taken as evidence of the guilt of bin Laden as an excuse to invade and pillage any nation they want, although bin Laden has repeatedly denied having had anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks.
38 - That, despite the collapse of buildings to be perfectly vertical so difficult to achieve an event that only a few companies controlled demolition to world are trying, and still is something that always requires weeks of careful planning, 11 September 2001 have taken place three vertical collapses completely spontaneous, all on the same day and in exactly the same way, which has been repeatedly and clearly declared impossible by the physical and mathematical point of view of hundreds of engineers.
All of these points listed (taken from from and in some cases added by me) are absurd, illogical, contradictory or simply impossible.
These incredible inconsistencies are very suspicious, especially considering that today was not given the world a single authentic proof that links bin Laden or his alleged organization to the attacks of that day, and that several people at the top of the administration (John Ashcroft, Minister of Justice, Theodore Olson, Attorney General, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense) have repeatedly stated that it is absolutely wrong for a government to lie the world - enemies and friends included - just to achieve their ends.
The official version of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, in brief is this: The
September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab terrorists suicide full of hatred towards freedom and have hijacked American democracy (armed with box cutters) four airliners (namely two Boeing-757 and two Boeing-767 of the American and United Airlines) and have flown into the twin towers of the two World Trade Center ( WTC) in New York, and a third into the Pentagon, to show their devotion to Allah to punish the blasphemer and the American capitalist empire.
The fourth (UA-93) as we have been told it crashed in western Pennsylvania, after passengers fought the terrorists have, have overcome them, in an act of heroism and sacrifice in order to avoid other deaths (we know this because the terrorists on that flight were ordered to passengers to call their loved ones back home and tell what was happening. For some reason, boh ... Arab customs. But thanks to this we know many details about events that otherwise we could never know).
the twin towers collapsed because their structure and then sold as a result of fires caused by aircraft crashes, and another skyscraper, WTC-7, more than 200 yards away, crashed in turn because of some fires that had developed in it (so still not clear). All three buildings fell on their plant, perfectly vertical, and the cloud of pulverized concrete that he was given off most of the city and unfortunately intoxicated seriously many aid workers, who now, after years away, died or find themselves with sick lungs.
After two days of these facts, the FBI has pulled out of the cylinder, so still unknown, the names and identities of the 19 hijackers, and then those 19 faces are the culprits for all the world's largest terrorist attack history.
Why doubt this version?
Why is absurd, contradictory, illogical or just impossible
1 - That the FBI was able to identify all the bombers and nineteen (so-called "suicide") in less than 48 hours, providing time for photography each (some even two), although no Arabic name appeared in the passenger lists (check yourself), and at least half of them were totally unknown to the authorities themselves, at the time of the attacks, by their own admission.
2 - What Osama bin Laden has hatched this infernal machine, whose preparation would last five years,
a) staking everything on the total inexperience of its pilots / hijackers,
b) even though he had no real reason to do so (apart from an unspecified "hatred for American democracy"),
c) has in fact never claimed the attacks,
d) who has taken every advantage was the same administration that he wanted to hit, as far as I know projects to perfection and geopolitical interests.
3 - What the American authorities, who wanted to show number of times the planes hit the towers, they never presented to the public a single image of the plane approaching the Pentagon (apart from this, and this ridiculous filmatini showing all but a Boeing 757), when
a) should have dozens of cameras to film (and at least four from close range),
b) it is certain that at least two of these tapes have been seized by 'FBI (source)
and c) the lack of wreckage of the 757 (see here, here and here) is precisely the element that underpins all the accusations against the administration.
4 - Which likewise were unable to show any images of video-security of the hijackers boarding their flights, when doubts about their identity are perhaps the second weakness of the entire official version.
5 - What Aziz Alomari and Mohamed Atta, after years of careful preparation, they would squander their entire mission, going to try - for no apparent reason - a connecting flight so tight, that has since allowed the investigators to come to possession of valuable items for the survey.
6 - That a hijacker in the process of dying to write his girlfriend - with whom he is 5 years - the wrong address, but remember to put your hand in return, in the event of postal problems (source: Guardian and BBC). And generally a bit 'all the hijackers, as they should be careful and precise, have been able to spread along their path only copies of the Koran, credit cards, documents and instructions for those about to die and flight manuals in industrial quantities (source : CNN). German Minister Von Bulow sums up this ridiculous situation.
6a - that these hijackers were also deficient as to get drunk the night before the attacks (as a 757 pilot is also no hands, no?), Although they could not drink alcohol as Muslims, and to forget, watching a while 'the case, a copy of the Koran in the strip bar where they had gone (not to be believed ... Muslims, too extremist, misogynist and Puritans to the nth degree, which is drunk in a strip bar and then forget their holy book as if they had any importance ...)
7 - What four amateur pilots, not all licensed, with a bad reputation in flight schools (including for small aircraft and not for large commercial aircraft), and who have never sat at the controls of the first 757 or 767, were perfectly able to take possession of it in proportion, to guide you through security without making the slightest mistake, an orientation in heaven where they have never flown (some of them had never flown at all), to find targets that were hundreds of miles distance, and target them with coldness and pinpoint accuracy. One of them in particular, Hanjour, had done all this making a spectacular end to the pull-up he is capable of only a fighter jet, and then a maneuver to approach (the Pentagon) as illogical as physically impossible (see here) for those aircraft size.
8 - What to eight riders at 8:00 to 2:00 and co-pilot of American pilots, many of the United - not one has had time to activate the emergency signal indicating a hijacking in progress on the ground. Corresponds to the button that bank employees were on hand to report to the police a possible robbery. This lack of reporting has enabled the authorities considerably lengthen the time period in which they can claim to "not understanding" that it was hijacked and thus justify the inactivity of aviation. But in fact, established after the first hijacking, would still have had to react immediately turned off the transponder (among other things unexplained, too) in the other three. Instead it did not happen.
9 - May 19 hijackers, flying hundreds of miles away from each other, and which are not connected to an external director to be able to perform a particular maneuver in perfect coordination with one another ( impact of the one, the other off transponder), although they started from different airports, at times other than those provided for, and being unable to communicate directly (phones and radios do not work at that altitude and that speed).
10 - who have chosen a strategy in the first place so absurd, waiting for each one hit its target before the other came into action, with two of them (see here and here) that are even 300 miles away from Target already had on hand. A strategy that could work only in the unlikely event of a sudden stalling of the total U.S. air defense. What then is "miraculously" happened.
11 - What the world's most sophisticated air defense has gone so conveniently stalled up in those crucial two hours, unable to stop in any way, or even to board, only one of four planes.
12 - That as conveniently may be in progress, in those hours and those in heaven, various exercises are absolutely identical to what was really happening to the four hijacked planes. This fact has contributed a lot to increase the already considerable confusion controllers, civilian and military, caused by a series of contradictory orders which has never known the source.
13 - this embarrassing impasse has never been given any explanation, nor appear to have been punished or even identified, one responsible for what happened. (Di Usually, in situations like this, is the exact opposite: it is urgent for a scapegoat, to be given as soon as fed to the media.) In fact, absurd and the opposite occurred: the main culprits of such negligence are have all been promoted after Sept. 11, 2001, as if they had done their job to perfection (and maybe that's it, in a sense ...)!
14 - How many passengers have made calls with their cell phones in flight, when this proved impossible, for at least three reasons.
15 - What a plane crashing to the ground, and not officially shot down in air (UA93), scrap and remnants can be found within a radius about 8 miles (13 km).
16 - What the American authorities have maintained - and continue to support - that WTC 7 has collapsed on its own, because of a simple fire when they were denied by the same owner of the WTC Plaza, Larry Silverstein, who has admitted instead publicly controlled demolition. Not to mention the numerous tests that indicate that there may have been a spontaneous collapse.
17 - the same authorities claim that the Twin Towers have collapsed the pure impact of the planes, and subsequent fires when
a) clearly states that the project could absorb the impact of more than a big commercial jet, as explains in an interview the same designer Frank de Martini (download the interview - 742 Kb)
b) to explain the collapse of a vertical stand and rape must be beyond all the laws of physics, ignoring in particular the properties of heat radiation steel and
c) findings and visual testimonies of those firefighters are heavily in favor of controlled demolition, as well as many engineering analysis.
18 - What other laws of physics were suspended, allowing for normal passport card to survive an explosion at about 800 degrees Celsius, and that the passports of the hijackers belonged to their own and were found accidentally by their agents' s FBI. Which, in addition to the WTC, and later for the UA-93, in which case it was found many things belonging to the hijackers in incredibly good condition (the photos are on this page, a video showing the relics found is visible here), but, strangely, no recognizable wreckage of the plane. Watch a high definition photos of the magical passport found at the WTC: mine is worse off, and could not be found amid the crash of a plane into a skyscraper.
19 - What the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing-757 loaded with passengers and fuel, despite
a) some photos, whose authenticity is beyond doubt, in a disarming show the total absence of its wrecks.
b) on the facade of the Pentagon is still intact showing only an entrance hole no more than three to four meters,
c) 20 26 windows on the facade of the glasses were still intact after impact, and
d) there an exit hole, similar in size, even within the third ring of the Pentagon, whose origin was never explained by anyone, and that still remains entirely unexplained.
20 - that despite the total disappearance of the plane was able to recover and identify remains of almost all passengers, including those of the hijackers. That is, that burning steel and aluminum, but no human flesh.
21 - What have even 15 minutes after that the second plane hit the WTC was given the name of Bin Laden as a principal culprit of the attacks, and without presenting any evidence. A really
time record for the resolution of the investigation: never in the history of investigations on issues of international terrorism, there was a resolution of the case in the order of minutes, doubly amazing when combined with the authorities of the official U.S. investigation that up at the time of the attacks would be made completely unaware and ignorant of the whole plot of the multi-year conspiracy. (What later proved false)
22 - That the words of Van Romero (one of the leading experts in the field, vice-president of the New Mexico Tech Institute, already director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, which studies the effects of controlled explosions of buildings), uttered a few hours after the attacks: "My view is that after the planes hit the towers, there were some explosive charges placed inside the buildings that caused the collapse of the towers, "are completely false, and that is lying for some reason.
This hypothesis is also supported by seismographic data (see, for example those of Columbia University here and here). Were in fact recorded two aftershocks of magnitude 2.1 and 2.3 (far too high for simple spontaneous collapse) at the exact moment of the beginning of the collapses of the twin towers, before the first block rubble and the first ground impact. This seems to indicate the use of powerful explosives just before the collapse of the towers.
23 - it's just an incredible coincidence that the U.S. military were preparing war plans against Afghanistan for months before the attacks of September 11. Maybe they were looking for some event which would lead the American public generally disinterested towards a war, as in the past (see historical references to 11th September) and how they planned to do the 60s?
24 - What papers and passport documents incriminating bin Laden be found intact in the ruins of the WTC and the black boxes of aircraft - designed to withstand any type of accident - were damaged to the point of being unusable (all). They should build the same material as the Arab passports.
25 - What, even after several days and even weeks of the attacks on the WTC operators video has been forbidden to shoot or photograph the ruins from certain angles, as alleged by CBS Correspondent Lou Young, who asked: " What do we see fear? "
26 - What a plot so sophisticated, which involved at least 100 people and a preparation of at least five years, managed to escape all the intelligence services, particularly the CIA and FBI. And instead of trying and dismiss those responsible for this failure and renovate these agencies, are doubling their budget.
27 - What is the South Tower of the WTC collapsed earlier, when it was less damaged North Tower, which had been hit in full and has burned for much longer before it collapses (see here the damage and those of the North Tower South Tower).
28 - that the many witnesses who claim to have heard more explosions inside the WTC buildings are lying for some strange reason. And because the destruction of the towers is more like a controlled implosion than a spontaneous collapse?
29 - the numbers of seats of the hijackers, communicated via a phone conversation with the hostess Madeline Amy Sweeney on board the Air Traffic Control in Boston, do not coincide with the numbers of seats occupied by men who the FBI says were responsible for even quest'hostess lied for some strange reason.
30 - That even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and several newspapers have published the news that they lied when they reported that some of the alleged hijackers were not aboard the hijacked planes and in fact are still alive. Because these names are still on the FBI list? And why, if as some have argued these cases are of the same name, also have the same faces, the same data, the same qualifications and similar work of the alleged hijackers? They are all perfect and doubles at the same time the same name, plus a life identical to that of the hijackers? There is an equal chance of winning the lottery a hundred times in a row. Without buying a ticket.
31 - What, among all the flying schools in America, immediately after the attacks the FBI agents have gone in precisely those where the hijackers were trained, without fail, and which schools have guessed they were "out of sheer luck. " 32
- That one of the hijackers mentioned has led a suicide baggage for a flight and then has left in his car at the airport along with a letter that pointed out as guilty.
33 - May America has bombed Afghanistan and Iraq when the hijackers were neither Afghan nor Iraqi, but Arabs from various Middle Eastern countries. And 'as if France did an attack on Germany, and Germany in response bombed Italy. It makes no sense, unless the attack is not just an excuse to implement plans that were ready for a long before and to attack anyone, anywhere, regardless of their nationality, only because of the suspicion that it is terrorists or of people who favor the terrorists.
34 - that terrorists have managed to get the top secret codes and signals the White House and of the 'Air Force One - an excuse for President Bush tossed all over the country September 11, mind meanwhile Cheney took matters in hand and made her comfortable (source).
35 - What the witnesses who spoke of a second plane that followed the UA-93 (which would have fallen to the ground in Pennsylvania for a courageous rebellion of the passengers) and fireballs exploded in the air are all lying for some mysterious reason, and that a plane crashing into the ground send scrap to 13 km away and only make a hole about ten feet to the ground, leaving no recognizable wreckage.
36 - What news have described some of the passengers of Flight UA-93 mutilated and with his throat cut with cutters (source), while "Time" magazine of September 24 reported that one of the passengers called home on her cell phone to report: "We have been hijacked, but we are treating it kindly."
37 - That the occasional video messages from Osama bin Laden has been declared completely false by a Swiss institution that takes care of authenticating audiovisual material, but which are nevertheless taken as evidence of the guilt of bin Laden as an excuse to invade and pillage any nation they want, although bin Laden has repeatedly denied having had anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks.
38 - That, despite the collapse of buildings to be perfectly vertical so difficult to achieve an event that only a few companies controlled demolition to world are trying, and still is something that always requires weeks of careful planning, 11 September 2001 have taken place three vertical collapses completely spontaneous, all on the same day and in exactly the same way, which has been repeatedly and clearly declared impossible by the physical and mathematical point of view of hundreds of engineers.
All of these points listed (taken from from and in some cases added by me) are absurd, illogical, contradictory or simply impossible.
These incredible inconsistencies are very suspicious, especially considering that today was not given the world a single authentic proof that links bin Laden or his alleged organization to the attacks of that day, and that several people at the top of the administration (John Ashcroft, Minister of Justice, Theodore Olson, Attorney General, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense) have repeatedly stated that it is absolutely wrong for a government to lie the world - enemies and friends included - just to achieve their ends.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Meclizine Cerebral Palsy
The City Council Gerardo Di Filippo, who was elected Refoundation Communist administration in the past (2006), in the municipal council of 29 April announced his resignation as an adviser comunale.Il whole country after the news began to circulate has had a moment of dismay. A good city councilor, whose work in the service of the country will be remembered, not so much the content or the force of ideas, but much for the manner in which he expressed himself in the city council. We were flooded with torrents of words, having the ability to express anything using a myriad of useless words. Our dear counselor, thanks to the votes of the then candidate for mayor in the lists of PRC Vladimir Botta, had the opportunity to sit in council. Unfortunately, the chair had a price satisfy the boss always enough to induce him to leave and go all'IDV PRC. But the question we want to ask is: why leave right now? Perhaps the subordination to the head is over? Perhaps the political agreement (in cabin) between the leader and the current mayor for the next administration for our now former city councilor seemed too? However nothing irreparable has happened, or rather the political change is always desirable to give new life to a policy already dead. The empty seat left in council comunal and will be occupied by new ideas, new men, in other words after the irrevocable resignation, we can say out loud, finally advancing the new finally Rocco Leo the new face of politics will return SIANESI to sit on the benches of the city council. I do not remember how many and how old was the city council, hold office on charges, there volva own Whether for a breath of fresh air , air that comes from far away but that will get us nowhere . The new entry policy SIANESI elected into the ranks of PRC, will replace a seat left dall'IDV, now we ask, but Rocco Leo in the town council, will be the expression of PRC? IDV will be the adviser? Represent himself? He will take up the majority? Will pretend opposition? We'll find out in the next episodes, but I am sure that there on the current administration will find convergence on many issues as agreed by the cabin, to bring the Bolshevik Italic values \u200b\u200bfrom the competition next administrative arm in arm with the current Mayor
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