The official version of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, in brief is this: The
September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab terrorists suicide full of hatred towards freedom and have hijacked American democracy (armed with box cutters) four airliners (namely two Boeing-757 and two Boeing-767 of the American and United Airlines) and have flown into the twin towers of the two World Trade Center ( WTC) in New York, and a third into the Pentagon, to show their devotion to Allah to punish the blasphemer and the American capitalist empire.
The fourth (UA-93) as we have been told it crashed in western Pennsylvania, after passengers fought the terrorists have, have overcome them, in an act of heroism and sacrifice in order to avoid other deaths (we know this because the terrorists on that flight were ordered to passengers to call their loved ones back home and tell what was happening. For some reason, boh ... Arab customs. But thanks to this we know many details about events that otherwise we could never know).
the twin towers collapsed because their structure and then sold as a result of fires caused by aircraft crashes, and another skyscraper, WTC-7, more than 200 yards away, crashed in turn because of some fires that had developed in it (so still not clear). All three buildings fell on their plant, perfectly vertical, and the cloud of pulverized concrete that he was given off most of the city and unfortunately intoxicated seriously many aid workers, who now, after years away, died or find themselves with sick lungs.
After two days of these facts, the FBI has pulled out of the cylinder, so still unknown, the names and identities of the 19 hijackers, and then those 19 faces are the culprits for all the world's largest terrorist attack history.
Why doubt this version?
Why is absurd, contradictory, illogical or just impossible
1 - That the FBI was able to identify all the bombers and nineteen (so-called "suicide") in less than 48 hours, providing time for photography each (some even two), although no Arabic name appeared in the passenger lists (check yourself), and at least half of them were totally unknown to the authorities themselves, at the time of the attacks, by their own admission.
2 - What Osama bin Laden has hatched this infernal machine, whose preparation would last five years,
a) staking everything on the total inexperience of its pilots / hijackers,
b) even though he had no real reason to do so (apart from an unspecified "hatred for American democracy"),
c) has in fact never claimed the attacks,
d) who has taken every advantage was the same administration that he wanted to hit, as far as I know projects to perfection and geopolitical interests.
3 - What the American authorities, who wanted to show number of times the planes hit the towers, they never presented to the public a single image of the plane approaching the Pentagon (apart from this, and this ridiculous filmatini showing all but a Boeing 757), when
a) should have dozens of cameras to film (and at least four from close range),
b) it is certain that at least two of these tapes have been seized by 'FBI (source)
and c) the lack of wreckage of the 757 (see here, here and here) is precisely the element that underpins all the accusations against the administration.
4 - Which likewise were unable to show any images of video-security of the hijackers boarding their flights, when doubts about their identity are perhaps the second weakness of the entire official version.
5 - What Aziz Alomari and Mohamed Atta, after years of careful preparation, they would squander their entire mission, going to try - for no apparent reason - a connecting flight so tight, that has since allowed the investigators to come to possession of valuable items for the survey.
6 - That a hijacker in the process of dying to write his girlfriend - with whom he is 5 years - the wrong address, but remember to put your hand in return, in the event of postal problems (source: Guardian and BBC). And generally a bit 'all the hijackers, as they should be careful and precise, have been able to spread along their path only copies of the Koran, credit cards, documents and instructions for those about to die and flight manuals in industrial quantities (source : CNN). German Minister Von Bulow sums up this ridiculous situation.
6a - that these hijackers were also deficient as to get drunk the night before the attacks (as a 757 pilot is also no hands, no?), Although they could not drink alcohol as Muslims, and to forget, watching a while 'the case, a copy of the Koran in the strip bar where they had gone (not to be believed ... Muslims, too extremist, misogynist and Puritans to the nth degree, which is drunk in a strip bar and then forget their holy book as if they had any importance ...)
7 - What four amateur pilots, not all licensed, with a bad reputation in flight schools (including for small aircraft and not for large commercial aircraft), and who have never sat at the controls of the first 757 or 767, were perfectly able to take possession of it in proportion, to guide you through security without making the slightest mistake, an orientation in heaven where they have never flown (some of them had never flown at all), to find targets that were hundreds of miles distance, and target them with coldness and pinpoint accuracy. One of them in particular, Hanjour, had done all this making a spectacular end to the pull-up he is capable of only a fighter jet, and then a maneuver to approach (the Pentagon) as illogical as physically impossible (see here) for those aircraft size.
8 - What to eight riders at 8:00 to 2:00 and co-pilot of American pilots, many of the United - not one has had time to activate the emergency signal indicating a hijacking in progress on the ground. Corresponds to the button that bank employees were on hand to report to the police a possible robbery. This lack of reporting has enabled the authorities considerably lengthen the time period in which they can claim to "not understanding" that it was hijacked and thus justify the inactivity of aviation. But in fact, established after the first hijacking, would still have had to react immediately turned off the transponder (among other things unexplained, too) in the other three. Instead it did not happen.
9 - May 19 hijackers, flying hundreds of miles away from each other, and which are not connected to an external director to be able to perform a particular maneuver in perfect coordination with one another ( impact of the one, the other off transponder), although they started from different airports, at times other than those provided for, and being unable to communicate directly (phones and radios do not work at that altitude and that speed).
10 - who have chosen a strategy in the first place so absurd, waiting for each one hit its target before the other came into action, with two of them (see here and here) that are even 300 miles away from Target already had on hand. A strategy that could work only in the unlikely event of a sudden stalling of the total U.S. air defense. What then is "miraculously" happened.
11 - What the world's most sophisticated air defense has gone so conveniently stalled up in those crucial two hours, unable to stop in any way, or even to board, only one of four planes.
12 - That as conveniently may be in progress, in those hours and those in heaven, various exercises are absolutely identical to what was really happening to the four hijacked planes. This fact has contributed a lot to increase the already considerable confusion controllers, civilian and military, caused by a series of contradictory orders which has never known the source.
13 - this embarrassing impasse has never been given any explanation, nor appear to have been punished or even identified, one responsible for what happened. (Di Usually, in situations like this, is the exact opposite: it is urgent for a scapegoat, to be given as soon as fed to the media.) In fact, absurd and the opposite occurred: the main culprits of such negligence are have all been promoted after Sept. 11, 2001, as if they had done their job to perfection (and maybe that's it, in a sense ...)!
14 - How many passengers have made calls with their cell phones in flight, when this proved impossible, for at least three reasons.
15 - What a plane crashing to the ground, and not officially shot down in air (UA93), scrap and remnants can be found within a radius about 8 miles (13 km).
16 - What the American authorities have maintained - and continue to support - that WTC 7 has collapsed on its own, because of a simple fire when they were denied by the same owner of the WTC Plaza, Larry Silverstein, who has admitted instead publicly controlled demolition. Not to mention the numerous tests that indicate that there may have been a spontaneous collapse.
17 - the same authorities claim that the Twin Towers have collapsed the pure impact of the planes, and subsequent fires when
a) clearly states that the project could absorb the impact of more than a big commercial jet, as explains in an interview the same designer Frank de Martini (download the interview - 742 Kb)
b) to explain the collapse of a vertical stand and rape must be beyond all the laws of physics, ignoring in particular the properties of heat radiation steel and
c) findings and visual testimonies of those firefighters are heavily in favor of controlled demolition, as well as many engineering analysis.
18 - What other laws of physics were suspended, allowing for normal passport card to survive an explosion at about 800 degrees Celsius, and that the passports of the hijackers belonged to their own and were found accidentally by their agents' s FBI. Which, in addition to the WTC, and later for the UA-93, in which case it was found many things belonging to the hijackers in incredibly good condition (the photos are on this page, a video showing the relics found is visible here), but, strangely, no recognizable wreckage of the plane. Watch a high definition photos of the magical passport found at the WTC: mine is worse off, and could not be found amid the crash of a plane into a skyscraper.
19 - What the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing-757 loaded with passengers and fuel, despite
a) some photos, whose authenticity is beyond doubt, in a disarming show the total absence of its wrecks.
b) on the facade of the Pentagon is still intact showing only an entrance hole no more than three to four meters,
c) 20 26 windows on the facade of the glasses were still intact after impact, and
d) there an exit hole, similar in size, even within the third ring of the Pentagon, whose origin was never explained by anyone, and that still remains entirely unexplained.
20 - that despite the total disappearance of the plane was able to recover and identify remains of almost all passengers, including those of the hijackers. That is, that burning steel and aluminum, but no human flesh.
21 - What have even 15 minutes after that the second plane hit the WTC was given the name of Bin Laden as a principal culprit of the attacks, and without presenting any evidence. A really
time record for the resolution of the investigation: never in the history of investigations on issues of international terrorism, there was a resolution of the case in the order of minutes, doubly amazing when combined with the authorities of the official U.S. investigation that up at the time of the attacks would be made completely unaware and ignorant of the whole plot of the multi-year conspiracy. (What later proved false)
22 - That the words of Van Romero (one of the leading experts in the field, vice-president of the New Mexico Tech Institute, already director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, which studies the effects of controlled explosions of buildings), uttered a few hours after the attacks: "My view is that after the planes hit the towers, there were some explosive charges placed inside the buildings that caused the collapse of the towers, "are completely false, and that is lying for some reason.
This hypothesis is also supported by seismographic data (see, for example those of Columbia University here and here). Were in fact recorded two aftershocks of magnitude 2.1 and 2.3 (far too high for simple spontaneous collapse) at the exact moment of the beginning of the collapses of the twin towers, before the first block rubble and the first ground impact. This seems to indicate the use of powerful explosives just before the collapse of the towers.
23 - it's just an incredible coincidence that the U.S. military were preparing war plans against Afghanistan for months before the attacks of September 11. Maybe they were looking for some event which would lead the American public generally disinterested towards a war, as in the past (see historical references to 11th September) and how they planned to do the 60s?
24 - What papers and passport documents incriminating bin Laden be found intact in the ruins of the WTC and the black boxes of aircraft - designed to withstand any type of accident - were damaged to the point of being unusable (all). They should build the same material as the Arab passports.
25 - What, even after several days and even weeks of the attacks on the WTC operators video has been forbidden to shoot or photograph the ruins from certain angles, as alleged by CBS Correspondent Lou Young, who asked: " What do we see fear? "
26 - What a plot so sophisticated, which involved at least 100 people and a preparation of at least five years, managed to escape all the intelligence services, particularly the CIA and FBI. And instead of trying and dismiss those responsible for this failure and renovate these agencies, are doubling their budget.
27 - What is the South Tower of the WTC collapsed earlier, when it was less damaged North Tower, which had been hit in full and has burned for much longer before it collapses (see here the damage and those of the North Tower South Tower).
28 - that the many witnesses who claim to have heard more explosions inside the WTC buildings are lying for some strange reason. And because the destruction of the towers is more like a controlled implosion than a spontaneous collapse?
29 - the numbers of seats of the hijackers, communicated via a phone conversation with the hostess Madeline Amy Sweeney on board the Air Traffic Control in Boston, do not coincide with the numbers of seats occupied by men who the FBI says were responsible for even quest'hostess lied for some strange reason.
30 - That even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia and several newspapers have published the news that they lied when they reported that some of the alleged hijackers were not aboard the hijacked planes and in fact are still alive. Because these names are still on the FBI list? And why, if as some have argued these cases are of the same name, also have the same faces, the same data, the same qualifications and similar work of the alleged hijackers? They are all perfect and doubles at the same time the same name, plus a life identical to that of the hijackers? There is an equal chance of winning the lottery a hundred times in a row. Without buying a ticket.
31 - What, among all the flying schools in America, immediately after the attacks the FBI agents have gone in precisely those where the hijackers were trained, without fail, and which schools have guessed they were "out of sheer luck. " 32
- That one of the hijackers mentioned has led a suicide baggage for a flight and then has left in his car at the airport along with a letter that pointed out as guilty.
33 - May America has bombed Afghanistan and Iraq when the hijackers were neither Afghan nor Iraqi, but Arabs from various Middle Eastern countries. And 'as if France did an attack on Germany, and Germany in response bombed Italy. It makes no sense, unless the attack is not just an excuse to implement plans that were ready for a long before and to attack anyone, anywhere, regardless of their nationality, only because of the suspicion that it is terrorists or of people who favor the terrorists.
34 - that terrorists have managed to get the top secret codes and signals the White House and of the 'Air Force One - an excuse for President Bush tossed all over the country September 11, mind meanwhile Cheney took matters in hand and made her comfortable (source).
35 - What the witnesses who spoke of a second plane that followed the UA-93 (which would have fallen to the ground in Pennsylvania for a courageous rebellion of the passengers) and fireballs exploded in the air are all lying for some mysterious reason, and that a plane crashing into the ground send scrap to 13 km away and only make a hole about ten feet to the ground, leaving no recognizable wreckage.
36 - What news have described some of the passengers of Flight UA-93 mutilated and with his throat cut with cutters (source), while "Time" magazine of September 24 reported that one of the passengers called home on her cell phone to report: "We have been hijacked, but we are treating it kindly."
37 - That the occasional video messages from Osama bin Laden has been declared completely false by a Swiss institution that takes care of authenticating audiovisual material, but which are nevertheless taken as evidence of the guilt of bin Laden as an excuse to invade and pillage any nation they want, although bin Laden has repeatedly denied having had anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks.
38 - That, despite the collapse of buildings to be perfectly vertical so difficult to achieve an event that only a few companies controlled demolition to world are trying, and still is something that always requires weeks of careful planning, 11 September 2001 have taken place three vertical collapses completely spontaneous, all on the same day and in exactly the same way, which has been repeatedly and clearly declared impossible by the physical and mathematical point of view of hundreds of engineers.
All of these points listed (taken from from and in some cases added by me) are absurd, illogical, contradictory or simply impossible.
These incredible inconsistencies are very suspicious, especially considering that today was not given the world a single authentic proof that links bin Laden or his alleged organization to the attacks of that day, and that several people at the top of the administration (John Ashcroft, Minister of Justice, Theodore Olson, Attorney General, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense) have repeatedly stated that it is absolutely wrong for a government to lie the world - enemies and friends included - just to achieve their ends.
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