The City Council Gerardo Di Filippo, who was elected Refoundation Communist administration in the past (2006), in the municipal council of 29 April announced his resignation as an adviser comunale.Il whole country after the news began to circulate has had a moment of dismay. A good city councilor, whose work in the service of the country will be remembered, not so much the content or the force of ideas, but much for the manner in which he expressed himself in the city council. We were flooded with torrents of words, having the ability to express anything using a myriad of useless words. Our dear counselor, thanks to the votes of the then candidate for mayor in the lists of PRC Vladimir Botta, had the opportunity to sit in council. Unfortunately, the chair had a price satisfy the boss always enough to induce him to leave and go all'IDV PRC. But the question we want to ask is: why leave right now? Perhaps the subordination to the head is over? Perhaps the political agreement (in cabin) between the leader and the current mayor for the next administration for our now former city councilor seemed too? However nothing irreparable has happened, or rather the political change is always desirable to give new life to a policy already dead. The empty seat left in council comunal and will be occupied by new ideas, new men, in other words after the irrevocable resignation, we can say out loud, finally advancing the new finally Rocco Leo the new face of politics will return SIANESI to sit on the benches of the city council. I do not remember how many and how old was the city council, hold office on charges, there volva own Whether for a breath of fresh air , air that comes from far away but that will get us nowhere . The new entry policy SIANESI elected into the ranks of PRC, will replace a seat left dall'IDV, now we ask, but Rocco Leo in the town council, will be the expression of PRC? IDV will be the adviser? Represent himself? He will take up the majority? Will pretend opposition? We'll find out in the next episodes, but I am sure that there on the current administration will find convergence on many issues as agreed by the cabin, to bring the Bolshevik Italic values \u200b\u200bfrom the competition next administrative arm in arm with the current Mayor
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